02 March 2012

Akan Aku Turuti!!!


kalau itu kemahuan dia..akan aku penuhi. . akan aku ikuti. . tidak perlu byk berkata-kata hanya cukup sekadar menjawab OK. YEA. 

Kalu dia yg terbaik untukku..KAU dekatkan la dia..Tapi Jika bukan milikku..KAU jauhkan la dia..Aku redha..

14 December 2011

Bridging The Gap


Alhamdulilah. semuanye telah berlangsung dengan lancar. . semuanya baik-baik sahaja. 

hopefully, marks juga baik-baik aja. . 

04 December 2011



Eventually, things that i already expected happened.  what should i feel? It was really tired , exhausted and give up and the most hated feeling ever was sadness.  
When i should stop from being ***? (trust me. . you're killing yourself slowly).   

From what i had seen. you're really happy with the girl. Hope she will give what i cant give to you. 

Never mind. Happiness is coming later on.  when i find it.  i'll let you go slowly. . it is a day where i should say good bye. 

30 November 2011


To love someone is nothing

to be loved by someone is something

to love someone who loves you is everything

21 November 2011

Hari Beramal


Syukur Alhamdulilah. . segalanya berjalan dengan lancar.. akhirnya dapat jugak kitorg menjejakkan kaki ke Zoo Negara pada waktu n masa yg di tetapkan. . hish. . risau taw kalu kitorg xsmpai before 8:30 a.m. memg cancel teros program kitorg. melampau x melampau la kan pihak zoo pnye syarat. . hish..nasib baek kasih syg menebal  kat binatang2 kat dlm zoo kalu x. hmm..memg xla ktorg nk wat keje amal kt situ (padahal nk masuk free kan!!) . hahaha.

Hish..memg Bapak terkejot giler bile duk jenguk ticket price.  

Adult with INSECT ZOO & BUTTERFLY PARK  : RM25 with mykad/ RM35 without mykad
children : RM 9 to RM18

rasanye dulu2 masa trip sekolah..murah je kot. hmm..skrg semua dh mahal. semua harga dh naek. . saba je laaa...

ok2...lets focus. ape entry aku kali neyh.. 

Here we go..neyh la committee yg super duper rajin . hehe. 

Jejak je kaki kat zoo..kitorg teros kene divide into groups.  apa lagi. pecah belah la jadinya. xsalah pown sekali sekala kite work in different team. asik same jeeee..bosan kan?. take it positively. 

hah!!! kan dh pegang pengeruk. hahahaha
we are ready uncle.. !!! Lets do some charity work.

First task assigned to us was cleaning up the Indian Gaur's pen. Damn..the most horrible memory. Guess, what we did?? hish. kitorg kene sodok diorg pnye taik. busuk tahu!!!! memg terok uncle towh buli ktorg. 

Then..lepas habis cuci..n feeds the gaur. . ktorg gi jumpe dgn rusa.. hehe. . diorg sgt friendly..just imagine. bile kitorg pikul rumput n daun bwk masuk kandang. diorg kejar je..mane ktorg pegi. best wow. rase mcm kat africa. hehe. (xde kene mengena pown africa kat sini) 

Settle down ngan rusa. ktorg haruslah jmpe dengan kangaroo. Nak snap pictures ngan kangaroo neyh payah sket. sebab diorg takot ngan org. so. . we have to make a slow movement. hehe. 

last but not least. gi kandang kambing. paling busuk!!! n kambing neyh. memg xtakot org. . seriusly binatang xphm bahasa.
After finish up all the task. . yes!! neyh la saat2 yg di tunggu2. ape lagi. jalan2 satu zoo jenguk kwn2 lama. 

It was a good experience actually when u did these kind of charity because when u come as a volunteer it was a different thing. . you are able to get close to the animal like i did.."sodok" the gaur's shit even though it was so disgusting. but when we look back..if i were not a volunteer and comes as a visitor. i don't have opportunity to do that. so..proud what u did. n i want to be a volunteer again if i have a chance to do that.  

one of my close friends. (bella luna)


19 November 2011



Saya Celikkan mata..Saya terangkan hati. . seluas-luasnya. . . Insyallah..Allah Maha Mengetahui. Sesuatu Yang di duga..Pasti akan di beri yg lebih baik. amin.

08 September 2011

Jodoh & Pertemuan.


Entry kali neyh..aku nk citer pasal jodoh & pertemuan. hik3. Actually, tanggal 3 September 2011 bersamaan 5 Syawal 1432 H, sahabat rapat aku telah dirisik n disunting oleh jejaka malaya.. i'm not so sure his name. sorry. .hehe. Majlis pertunangan telah berlangsung di kediaman pihak perempuan.  

by the way, i would like to send millions of congratulation to you ( siti ayuni). alhamdulilah. dh laku kwn aku. hehe. semoga jodoh korg berpanjangan. .

i loike ur "baju kurung"...cantek sgt2.

sedang berangan! hehe

p/s: hari kite bile lgi?? hehehe